Dr. Robert Puff Appears in PSYCHOLOGY TODAY
On the heals of the Seattle Seahawks’ astonishing Super Bowl win, Dr. Puff explains the role meditation played in the team’s victory. To read the

The First Lady of Beverly Hills Real Estate Reveals Her Trade Secrets
Considering real estate performance in the nation’s hottest markets, it’s hard to believe how dramatically the bubble burst a mere five years ago. Multiple offers,

Nose Job Basics
Dr. Geoffrey Keyes, one of the nation’s foremost cosmetic surgeons, provides his nasal reconstruction expertise in RealSelf. Dr. Keyes’s is double-board certified, practices in Los Angeles, and
Joe Duran’s book, The Money Code, landed the #2 spot on the coveted New York Times Best Seller list. It was a thrilling moment, and a well

Myra Nourmand Featured in REALTOR MAGAZINE
The First Lady of Beverly Hills Real Estate, the author of From Homemaker to Breadwinner, and one of the nation’s top performing brokers appeared in Realtor Magazine. She shared

Dr. Puff Appears in PSYCHOLOGY TODAY
In his Psychology Today article, “If Your Doctor Told You to Meditate, Would You?” Dr. Robert Puff, a clinical psychologist based in Newport Beach, California, explains why
United Capital Publishes Quarter 4 Overview
In its “United Perspective Quarterly Update,” United Capital provides an overview of 2012 and a look into 2013. Click here to read the article.
THE MONEY CODE: Joe Duran Summarizes His Book
Joe Duran, author of The Money Code provides a quick overview of his book. Joe is a CFA and CEO of United Capital. His title

In his article, “Meditation: The Greatest 2013 Gift You Can Give,” clinical psychologist Robert Puff, explains why a meditation practice may be the best New