SMART MONEY Profiles Joe John Duran, United Capital CEO
Follow the link for the article, “Investing with the Anti-Wall Street Crowd.”

Billion Dollar Ad for Billion Dollar Broker
Myra Nourmand, First Lady of Beverly Hills real estate and author of the book, From Homemaker to Breadwinner, was featured in The Los Angeles Times real estate section on
Dr. Sack of Promises Treatment Center PSYCHOLOGY TODAY Article Is “Essential Read: Editor’s Picks”
In his recent post on Psychology Today’s site, Dr. Sack, CEO of Elements Behavioral Health and Promises Treatment Centers, explains why a “one size fits all” cure

What Obamacare Means to You
In United Capital’s latest blog post, you’ll learn how the recent Supreme Court’s ruling will impact the future of your healthcare. Click here to read
Dr. David Sack Appears in PSYCHOLOGY TODAY
In his arcticle, “Rethinking Everything We Thought About Addiction,” Dr. David Sack, CEO of Elements Behavioral Health and Promises Treatment Centers, provides readers a balanced
How the Great Recession Continues to Impact Your Bottom Line
In his latest blog post, Joe John Duran, CEO of United Capital, describes how, years later, we’re still feeling the consequences of the Great Recession.
Pulling Back from the Fiscal Cliff
Joe John Duran, CEO of United Capital, provides insight into the so-called Fiscal Cliff, what it means to you, and how to address it. For

LA Premiere Boutique Brokerage Highlights its History
Nourmand & Associates has been meeting the real estate needs of its buyers and sellers for 36 years. The company ran this ad in
Eurogeddon Fears Hit Domestic Shores
Joe John Duran, CEO of United Capital, explains the connection between the Eurozone debt problem and U.S. Treasury bonds. Click here to read the full